Lost & Found

Have you ever lost something that caused you to nearly destroy your home just to search for it? It has happened to me countless times. So much so that my thoughtful wife decided to get me tracking devices for my keys and wallet. Today, if I were to misplace my wallet or keys all I have to do is open up my phone and check the app to tell me where they are. Hopefully I don’t lose my phone too!

When you find something that has been missing, how did you feel about it? Did you want to throw it away? Were you angry when you found it because it was lost? Probably not. Most likely you, like me, rejoiced and celebrated it being found. The same thing is true about God when we have gone astray. God is not angry that we were lost, God rejoices at our return. This is grace!

Grace is a kind of gift God gives to us and we can give to each other. When you do something wrong and someone forgives you, whether or not you say you’re sorry, that person is giving you grace. Grace is an important aspect of God’s love, a gift from God that seeks, welcomes, and matures us in God’s love.

Lent, is a special time where we can focus our reach toward God. We hold out our arms out as if you are welcoming someone and God welcomes us with grace! This Sunday, we will be exploring the story of the Prodigal Son and learning how God wants to welcomes us and employs us to welcome others with grace. Join us at either 8:30a.m. or 10:45a.m. in worship as we continue this conversation.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


Filled with the Fragrance


If it Bears Fruit