Footprints Preschool & Jr. Kindergarten Requirements
Each child must have completed enrollment forms submitted at pre-registration or before the beginning of the school year. These include:
Registration Form & Medical Release Forms
Admission Form
Physician Health Statement stating child is free of any communicable diseases
Copy of Immunization Record or current notarized exemption form
Hearing and Vision results for any child age 4 and older by January 2026
The parent handbook contract agreement, signed and dated
Discipline & Guidance Policy
Tuition Agreement
All student files must be complete before their first day of attending school. If you are unable to supply the information required by Footprints and the State of Texas, your child may be denied attending Footprints until forms in students files are complete.
The Special Senses and Communication Disorders Act, Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 36, requires a screening or a professional examination for possible vision and hearing problems for children of a certain age. If your child will turn 4 before September 1st of the current school year, we need a copy of the hearing and vision results from your doctor. We will provide a time for your child to get the necessary screening during school hours for a low fee, if needed.
If a child is to leave early, the teacher must be notified as soon as possible.
If another person is to pick up the child at the end of the day, that person’s name must appear on the child’s admission form and/or Brightwheel account. This person must have authorization from the child’s parent. This person must also show proper identification, such as a Driver’s License, before the child will be released. This procedure is for the protection of your child and follows state guidelines.
All personal belongings brought from home must be clearly marked with the child’s name. This includes cups, thermos, containers and utensils used at lunch.
Children should bring a nutritional lunch including a drink every day unless the teacher has notified you of other plans. Please do not send sodas, candy or gum.
Please dress children comfortably for active and creative play. All children must wear shoes. Shoes should be appropriate for recess activities. Children should be prepared for outdoor play with sweaters or coats according to the weather.
An extra change of clothing must be kept in the child’s backpack. The extra clothing should be updated according to size and season.
Please do not send personal toys unless otherwise specified by the classroom teacher. Security items for rest/quiet time are permitted; however, these must come and go daily with the child.
When picking up your child, please make sure to have all of his/her belongings because many other activities go on at the church during the week.
Children’s belongings are required to fit in the child’s backpack or cubby.