Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I park?
We have a small lot in the front of our church that provides the most convenient access to our Sanctuary. If this lot is full, feel free to proceed around to the back of our building, where we have a large parking area that leads directly to our Fellowship Hall and Family Life Center. As you pass through the Fellowship Hall on your way to the Sanctuary, grab a donut and some coffee.
What about my children?
We LOVE the sounds of children in our church, and encourage them to play and learn during the service.
We have Children and Youth Sunday School services available. You can find information on these classes here. NEED TO LINK - AP
Our 10:45 service begins with worship songs, followed by our Children’s Moment, where the children have the opportunity to come to the front of the Sanctuary and learn a quick lesson relevant to the topic of the day. After the children’s moment, the children can dismiss to Children’s Church, where the children participate in story time, crafts, activities, and play time while the adults enjoy the rest of the service.
What should I wear?
We are happy to be a “Come as you are” church. Whether you are in your Sunday best or Jeans and a T-Shirt, we welcome you to come worship with us without fear.
If Jesus wore sandals to church, why can’t we?
How can I volunteer or get plugged in?
We would love to have you join in any activity that you feel compelled to do so! If you’re a musician, we have a choir and praise band that would love to have you. If you feel compelled to teach, we are ALWAYS looking for Sunday School teachers and youth mentors. Our food pantry is always seeking volunteers to help bag and pick up donations.
If you feel compelled to volunteer, please contact our office at info@lakecitiesumc.org or 940-321-6100, and our staff will point you in the right direction!
What Style of worship services do you have?
Our 8:30 worship service is a Traditional Service, that follows the traditional liturgy and layout of the United Methodist Church. The music is drawn primarily from the hymnal and the Chancel Choir performs as well.
Our 10:45 service is a more Contemporary Service, which follows a more modernized liturgy and worship layout. Our music is led by our Ignite! Praise Band, and typically consists of contemporary christian praise songs.
So, we have a service for any taste of worship. Please feel free to join us any Sunday for fun, fellowship, and worship.