Footprints FAQs

How old does my child need to be to enroll?

2 years old by September 1st.

Is it too late to enroll?

No. A student may enroll at any time during the school year if space is available per state guidelines.

What additional types of activities will my child participate in?

In addition to our curriculum, we also offer Spanish, Music, and Fit and Fun, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The students also participate in a short weekly chapel session with the church pastor.

Is the school State Certified?

Yes, we became state certified over 15 years ago and have maintained that certification ever since.

Which school calendar do you follow?

We follow the Lake Dallas ISD calendar for all major holidays/closures. Our school year is from September to May.

What do I need to enroll?

Registration form, medical release form, admission form, current shot records, current physician statement stating child is free from any communicable diseases, tuition agreement, discipline & guidance policy, and signed handbook/parent contract.

What days are offered?

We are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The core curriculum of our program is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with the option to add more days.

Do you offer an earlier drop off or later pickup?

No. At this time we do not offer an earlier drop off in the morning or a later pick up in the afternoon. Please contact Footprints for exact times and availability.

What additional fees should I expect?

We have a yearly registration fee per family of $100 and a yearly supply fee of $200 per child.