Filled with the Fragrance

What is your favorite scent or fragrance? I would be hard pressed to think of just one, but I can tell you that I love the smell of Spring! Spring blossoms, fresh cut grass, or the scent of a fresh rainfall are scents that remind me of God’s love for us. The smell of Spring is such a welcome experience especially after a cold winter. It makes my heart happy and impacts my perspective of life. Isn’t it amazing how a fragrance can take you somewhere different?

This Sunday we will be talking about being “Filled with Fragrance” and how a woman, named Mary, anointed Jesus with perfume. She does this by rubbing expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiping them with her hair. This act not only speaks to Mary’s understanding of Jesus as king but also foreshadows Jesus’ death. Even though one disciple, Judas, criticizes her extravagance, Jesus affirms her gift as both an expression of worship and love.

When I have used anointing oil in worship, I am always overwhelmed of how the fragrance will stay with you all day. It is a reminder to me that just like the fragrance, God is always with you wherever you go. The Holy Spirit and the fragrance go with me everywhere! I imagine that the scent of the perfume Mary used filled the entire place with fragrance. I believe that just like fragrance, gratitude can change our perspective of life. It was undeniable that an anointing had taken place. Mary viewed her gift as the most important thing she could do that day, even if Judas disagreed with her. She gave that gift out of extreme gratitude.

Join us for worship this Sunday at 8:30 or 10:45 a.m. as we continue this conversation and discuss how we can change our perspective of life by showing more gratitude.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


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