Footprints Wellness and Safety Information
Your child’s safety is our #1 priority!
A child should not come to preschool if he/she shows signs of the following within 24 hours prior to class time:
* Eyes, ears or throat inflamed or has discharge
* Signs of cold: runny nose or temperature of 99 degrees or higher
* Vomiting or diarrhea
* Skin rash or eruption
* General appearance of listlessness, irritability, flush or pallor
* Any symptoms of usual childhood diseases (Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Scarlet Fever).
Parents are asked to inform the preschool if the child becomes ill. If a child is not well, an extra day of rest at home will surely help with recovery. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Fire drills and tornado/disaster drills are practiced and procedures are followed as outlined by the state guidelines. If an evacuation should occur, children will be available for pick up at Lake Dallas Elementary, 412 Main Street, Lake Dallas.
All prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled only for the individual child. All medication must be accompanied with a written statement from your child’s physician and a Medical Permission Form must be completed and on file in the preschool office. Medication should be left with the director.
Medical Emergencies
If a medical emergency should arise during school hours, every effort will be made to contact the parents of the child, a relative or friend listed on your child’s enrollment form, or the child’s physician. The preschool reserves the right to make a judgement decision and will attempt to follow information given on the enrollment forms. In the case of a serious emergency the closest hospital will be used via ambulance service.