Footprints Class Information

Classroom Ratios

State Licensing guidelines allow the following ratios:

  • 2 Year Old Room - 1:11

  • 3 Year Old Room - 1:15

  • 4 Year Old Room - 1:18

Footprints classrooms will stay at or below the following ratios:

  • 2’s/ Young 3’s - 2:14

  • 3 Year Old Room - 1:10

  • Older 3’s/4’s Room - 1:13

  • PreK Room - 1:13

  • Jr Kindergarten 1:10


Discipline is positive in nature. Discipline is guided by our feeling that no matter how much we dislike an action or deed, we will always love and accept the child. Discipline will be handled in a Christ-like manner by:

  1. Praising good behavior

  2. Changing the environment

  3. Redirecting the child

  4. Quietly removing the child from the group to allow time for the child to reflect upon his/her actions, followed by a discussion on how to solve the situation.

All children are expected and encouraged to follow the rules and regulations of the program. If a child presents a severe problem, the parent will be contacted. If all attempts to help the child adjust to the preschool policies fail, an evaluation of the child’s continued enrollment at the preschool will be assessed.


Parents are encouraged to consult with the director and/or the classroom teacher whenever special joys or concerns arise regarding the child, whether having happened at home or in the preschool. The better we understand the child, the more effectively we are able to work with him/her.

The teacher will contact parents if anything needs to be addressed.


Parents are encouraged to allow their children to share his/her birthday with the class. Parents may send or bring a birthday treat. Please do not send cupcakes, gum or hard candy. Also, please give the teacher a few days notice, and she will let you know when snack time is and how many children are in the class.


The preschool students participate in Chapel, once a week, led by the church pastor or ministerial staff. We hope to increase the children’s awareness of God’s presence in our lives and His loving care all around us.


The preschool students participate in music class once a week. The music teacher visits each classroom, on a rotation basis, teaching age appropriate material. The children also partake in a performance at Christmas and at the end of the year assembly.


Each class will have Spanish scheduled once a week. The Spanish teacher will be teaching basic Spanish words and songs. Examples: Basic greetings, colors, numbers, and commands. Nos gusta hablar en Espanol!

Fit & Fun

The preschool students participate in an active program teaching good health, nutrition with physical activities. The mission of “Fit & Fun” is to provide Caregivers, Educators and Parents the opportunity to make active lifestyles and nutritious foods easy choices for all families.

Snack Time

A snack and apple juice will be served to the children each morning. A snack menu will be posted each month. Bringing extra food for snack is not permitted unless the child has an allergy to the food being served. Parents will provide a snack for their child(ren) requiring special menus.

Rest/Quiet Time

All children will observe rest/quiet time after lunch. Sleep is not required, but the children must lie quietly. A small plastic mat labeled with the child’s name is required for the resting periods. No cloth mats or cloth covers on mats may be used. Mats must comply with the preschool regulations and fit in the child’s cubby.

Parent Involvement

All parents, grandparents and friends are welcome to come in and help at the preschool.  However, if you are unable to come in and help during the day, you may want to volunteer your time and assist the teacher with cutting, coloring, etc. from home.  Perhaps your have a special talent and could share your knowledge with the children. Do you enjoy…

… cooking or decorating cookies?
… music or dance?
… puppets or storytelling?
… creating arts and crafts?
… sharing stories of your heritage?

Then come share them with us!

Volunteers need to complete an authorization for background check in the preschool office at least 2 weeks prior to scheduling volunteer time in the classroom.