Footprints Preschool & Jr. Kindergarten
Footprints Preschool is a Christian education ministry of Lake Cities United Methodist Church where children develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually and receive positive care in a loving Christian environment.
Footprints Preschool is a private, nonprofit childcare program licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
In our program, emphasis is placed on the needs of the individual child. Therefore, it is our purpose to provide a program in which children are given constant loving care and guidance in forming basic attitudes toward themselves, their peers, their teachers and their environment.
It is our goal to provide opportunities for children to:
Learn about God, the Bible and His love for us.
Learn new skills and expand interests as individuals and as a group.
Laugh together; work together; help each other.
Work alone to experiment with new materials and to develop individuality.
Establish routine of physical habits, work habits, discipline, self direction and
self control.Develop social values and acquire a feeling of security for self; and develop a
sense of responsibilities for personal actions in a group setting.Develop readiness in reading, speech, mathematics and writing according to
individual maturity.Learn coordination through creative self-expressions in music, rhythm,
dramatic play, art activities and games.Explore natural environment through observing, investigating, experimenting
and experience.
Preschool Hours
Our preschool program is offered as a 3-, 4- or 5-day program from September to May. A calendar is published each school year reflecting closing dates and other special days. In the event that Lake Dallas ISD schools are delayed or closed, there will be no preschool program for that day.
Children may enter their classrooms at 9:00 a.m. and must be picked up by 2:00 p.m.
Preschool Age Requirements
Footprints Preschool accepts children ages 24 months through 4 years of age by September 1st of the current school year. Junior Kindergarten is for children who will be 5 years old by November 1st of the next school year. Children turning three years old before August 30th of the current year will be placed in the 3/4s and Pre-K classes.
Arrival and Dismissal
To ensure the safety of the children, we have established the following procedures:
* Children must be brought into the classrooms at 9:00 a.m. and the parent, or responsible adult. Please let your child’s teacher know at drop-off if someone different is picking them up. We will need proper verification from them to release your child to them.
* Drive through pick up will start at 1:40 p.m. The preschool will issue car tags (to hang from the rear view mirror) for each child. Preschool staff will escort your child to your car and buckle them into the car. All children will be picked up by 2:00 p.m., after which time the late fee policy is enforced.
*On July 24, 2008, a new Lake Dallas City Ordinance bans motorists from using hand-held mobile phones while driving in school zones when the zones are active. Violators could face a $200 fine per the ordinance. Footprints is included in the school zone. Please refrain from using your phone in the car-pool line. Let’s keep our kids safe!
Caregiver Training
All Footprints Preschool staff members are required to receive 24 hours of training, annually, as required by licensing Minimum Standards.