February 24th through March 31st
This Lent, Look at Your Mess Through the Eyes of Christ
Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. Join us for a 6 week study on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm with Rev. Chuck Church (Pastor of Lake Cities UMC) in a study that helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption.
The study will take place on Zoom and you must register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qcOypqj8qHtKLMahQxoNFMSm9mgSnkXA7
A companion book for this class is helpful but not necessary. If you would like to order the companion book, it is available at Cokesbury here: Order Your Book
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Chuck Church at pastor@lakecitiesumc.org