Why Didn't They Tell Anyone?
The Transfiguration of Jesus is one of the most extraordinary moments in the Gospels. It’s a dazzling display of His divine glory, witnessed by Peter, James, and John on a high mountain. Jesus’ face shines like the sun, His clothes become radiant, and Moses and Elijah appear, speaking with Him. Then, the voice of God thunders from a cloud:
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." (Matthew 17:5)
It’s an overwhelming, awe-inspiring experience. And yet, as they descend the mountain, Jesus instructs them:
"Tell no one the vision, until the Son of Man is raised from the dead." (Matthew 17:9)
Why keep silent about such an earth-shattering event? Wouldn’t this be the perfect proof of Jesus’ divinity? Why did they have to wait?
1. They Didn’t Fully Understand Yet
Peter, James, and John were deeply impacted by what they saw, but they didn’t yet grasp its full significance. Peter’s reaction—suggesting they build shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah—shows he misunderstood the moment. He saw it as an end in itself rather than a glimpse of what was to come. They needed time and the resurrection to fully comprehend what had happened.
2. The Mission Wasn’t Complete
Jesus came not just to reveal His glory but to suffer, die, and rise again. If the disciples proclaimed His divine glory without the context of the cross and resurrection, they might have misled people into thinking Jesus was only a conquering king, not the suffering Savior. The full gospel had yet to unfold.
3. Timing Matters in God’s Plan
Jesus often controlled the timing of revelations. He silenced demons who proclaimed His identity, told healed individuals to keep quiet, and revealed His divinity selectively. God’s truth is powerful, but it must be revealed in the right way at the right time. The Transfiguration was meant to be understood in light of the resurrection, not before.
What About Us?
Unlike the disciples at that moment, we are not told to keep silent. We live in the time after the resurrection, where the glory of Christ is meant to be proclaimed. The disciples eventually did tell the world, writing down their accounts for all to hear. We, too, are called to declare Jesus’ divine nature, His suffering, and His victory over death.
So, let’s not keep it to ourselves. The glory of Christ is meant to be shared.
What will you do with the revelation of Jesus today?
In God’s grip,
Pastor Chuck Church