What’s Better than Being Happy?
Happiness. We chase it, treasure it, and build our lives around finding it. But have you ever paused to ask—what's better than being happy? Matthew 2:1-12 offers a surprising answer, hidden in the familiar story of the Magi who followed a star to find the newborn King.
The Magi weren’t just curious travelers; they were seekers of something deeper. Their journey wasn’t convenient or comfortable. It stretched across vast deserts and foreign lands. Why? Because they weren’t simply looking for happiness—they were pursuing joy.
Happiness is often tied to our circumstances. It’s the fleeting delight of good news, a new gift, or pleasant experiences. But joy, the kind the Magi sought, is rooted in something far more lasting. Joy isn’t dictated by what’s happening around us; it’s anchored in who we are worshipping.
When the Magi found Jesus, “they were overjoyed” (v. 10). Notice the shift—they weren’t just happy; they were filled with overwhelming joy. And that joy led them to worship, to bow before the King and offer Him their best gifts.
What can we learn from their example? The pursuit of happiness can leave us restless, but the pursuit of Christ brings a joy that endures. Joy flows from encountering Jesus, recognizing His kingship, and surrendering to His presence.
This Advent season, let’s take our cues from the Magi. Let’s seek not just fleeting happiness but the deep, soul-satisfying joy that comes from worshipping Christ. As we bow before Him, bringing our hearts and lives as gifts, we may just discover that joy is far better than happiness.
In the end, what’s better than being happy? Being filled with the joy of Christ—a joy that no circumstance can take away.
In God’s Grip,
Pastor Chuck Church