Mark 5:21-43

In this week’s reading of Mark, Mark 5:21-43 recounts two intertwined miracles performed by Jesus: the healing of a woman suffering from a twelve-year hemorrhage and the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead. Here are the key points and significance of this passage:

  1. Jairus' Faith: Jairus, a synagogue leader, approaches Jesus and pleads for him to come and heal his dying daughter. This demonstrates the desperation and faith of a prominent figure in the Jewish community, willing to seek help from Jesus despite potential opposition from religious authorities.

  2. The Woman with the Hemorrhage: As Jesus is on his way to Jairus' house, a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years approaches him, believing that if she touches his cloak, she will be healed. Her faith is profound, as she believes in the power of Jesus to heal her even without direct interaction.

  3. Healing through Faith: When the woman touches Jesus' cloak, she is instantly healed. Jesus acknowledges her faith and declares that her faith has made her well. This emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus as a means of receiving healing and salvation.

  4. Jairus' Daughter Raised: While Jesus is still speaking to the woman, messengers arrive from Jairus' house, informing him that his daughter has died. Jesus encourages Jairus not to fear but to believe. When they arrive at the house, Jesus takes only a few disciples and the parents of the girl into the room where she lies.

  5. Miraculous Resurrection: Jesus takes the girl's hand and commands her to arise, and she immediately comes back to life. This demonstrates Jesus' authority over death and his power to bring life from death.

  6. Secrecy and Witness: After the resurrection, Jesus instructs the witnesses not to tell anyone what happened, highlighting a theme of secrecy or discretion in Mark's Gospel known as the "Messianic Secret." However, the witnesses cannot contain their astonishment, spreading the news of the miracle throughout the region.

  7. Significance of Numbers: The number twelve appears in both stories: the woman's ailment lasted for twelve years, and Jairus' daughter was twelve years old. This repetition may symbolize completeness or wholeness, highlighting the holistic healing that Jesus brings to those who have faith in him.

Overall, this passage underscores Jesus' authority over sickness and death, the power of faith in him to bring about healing, and the importance of trusting in Jesus even in the face of seemingly hopeless situations.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church.

If you are reading the Gospel of Mark with Pastor Chuck this year, below is a short and simple guide to doing so for this week:

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your words expose my innermost thoughts and desires. I am an open book before you when I read your book. May your truths work as I read of your holiness, truth, and love. May the power of your word be known in my life so that I might genuinely have the abundant life you came to give.  Amen.

Read: Mark 5:21-43

Questions to guide your thinking:

  1. What do these miracles reveal about Jesus' identity and power?

  2. How do the actions and attitudes of Jairus and the woman with the hemorrhage demonstrate faith?

  3. Why do you think Jesus initially decides to accompany Jairus to his house despite the urgent need of the woman with the hemorrhage?

  4. What significance do you see in the woman's act of touching Jesus' cloak?

  5. How do you think Jairus felt when messengers arrived with news of his daughter's death, and how does Jesus respond to his despair?

  6. What does the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead teach us about Jesus' authority over death?

  7. Why do you think Jesus instructs witnesses not to tell anyone about these miracles?

  8. What parallels or contrasts do you notice between the healing of the woman and the raising of Jairus' daughter?

  9. How might these miracles speak to the themes of faith, healing, and compassion in your own life?

  10. In what ways does this passage challenge or affirm your understanding of Jesus' ministry and mission?


Mark 6:1-13


Mark 5:1-20