Mark 4:35-41

Our scripture this week is Mark 4:35-41, which recounts the story of Jesus calming the storm while he and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee. Here are the key points and significance of this passage:

  1. Setting the Scene: Jesus and his disciples were in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. Jesus had been teaching the crowds using parables, and now he was taking his disciples to the other side of the sea.

  2. The Storm: Suddenly, a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, threatening to capsize it. The disciples, many of whom were experienced fishermen, were terrified by the intensity of the storm.

  3. Jesus' Reaction: While the disciples were panicking and fearing for their lives, Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat, demonstrating remarkable calmness and peace amidst the chaos.

  4. The Disciples' Reaction: The disciples woke Jesus up, saying, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" Their question reflects their fear and lack of understanding of Jesus' power and authority.

  5. Jesus' Miracle: Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Immediately, the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Jesus then questioned the disciples about their faith, asking why they were afraid and if they still had no faith.


    • This miracle demonstrates Jesus' power and authority over nature. By calming the storm with just a word, Jesus showed that he had control even over the forces of creation.

    • It reveals Jesus' compassion and care for his disciples. Despite their lack of faith and their fear, Jesus intervened to save them from danger.

    • The disciples' response highlights the human tendency to doubt, even in the presence of the divine. Their question, "Do you not care that we are perishing?" resonates with the doubts and fears that people often experience in difficult situations.

    • Jesus' question to the disciples challenges them (and us) to have faith even in the midst of trials and to trust in his power to bring peace and calmness to any storm we may face in life.

    In God’s grip,

    Pastor Chuck Church

    If you are reading the Gospel of Mark with Pastor Chuck this year, below is a short and simple guide to doing so for this week:

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, your words expose my innermost thoughts and desires. I am an open book before you when I read your book. May your truths work as I read of your holiness, truth, and love. May the power of your word be known in my life so that I might genuinely have the abundant life you came to give.  Amen.

    Read: Mark 4:35-41

    Questions to guide your thinking:

    1. Identification with the Disciples:

      • How do I relate to the disciples' response to the storm? Do I find myself easily overwhelmed by fear and doubt in difficult situations?

      • Have there been times when I questioned whether God cares about me in the midst of life's storms?

    2. Awareness of God's Presence:

      • Am I aware of God's presence in my life, especially during challenging times?

      • How do I react when it seems like God is silent or distant?

    3. Faith and Trust:

      • What does my reaction to adversity reveal about the depth of my faith and trust in God?

      • How can I cultivate a deeper sense of trust in God's power and care, even when circumstances seem overwhelming

      • How do I typically respond to trials and challenges in my life—do I rely on my own strength or turn to God for help?

      • What practical steps can I take to anchor my faith more firmly in Jesus, especially during turbulent times?


Mark 5:1-20


Mark 4:21-34