Let the Redeemed of the Lord (not) say…


Through the “Who Am I?” series we have been discovering who God says we are. This coming Sunday we will be discussing that we are redeemed and what redeemed people should do, but for this blog I want to share with you a few things that redeemed people shouldn’t. Specifically what redeemed people shouldn’t say. Here are 10 things I believe redeemed people shouldn’t say:

1. “We could never…”

Redeemed People are confident. If what they are being called to comes from God’s initiative and leading then they know all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

2. “We have always…”

The redeemed are flexible. The first church was sent out on a mission that they had never before experienced. They did new things, went to new places, and met new people. When Jesus commissioned the disciples he prepared them for encountering things that they had never before experienced. (Luke 10)

3. “We need someone who…”

The redeemed take authority. The early disciples continued the work of Jesus Christ and did so with authority. They didn’t give up because Christ was no longer physically before them. Instead, they healed the sick, fed the hungry, preached the gospel, and never expected someone else to do it. (Acts 3:1-8)

4. “If only we had…”

The redeemed have all they need. The first church shared their resources and recognized that all they needed was the power of the Holy Spirit to change the world.  (Acts 2:42-47)

5. “If it weren’t for…”

The redeemed don’t make excuses. The first church recognized their struggles, but they recognized the power to overcome any obstacle came from above. (Phil. 3:13-14)

6. “I have given all that I can.”

The redeemed are generous. The first church understood it wasn’t about giving away money, but giving of their entire lives for the sake of the gospel. (Phil. 2:12-18)

7. “I know everyone in my church.”

The redeemed understand that the world is their parish. The first redeemed people in the Bible were active and traveled great distances, within the first century the church had spread beyond Judea and into parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. (Acts 16:11-15)

8. “You are in my thoughts and prayers.”

The redeemed know that their prayers will lead to action. Prayer was important to the first church, but every time prayer was mentioned in the book of Acts, it was immediately followed by some sort of action. (Acts 1:24, 4:31, 6:6, 9:40, 12:12, 13:1-3, 14:23, 16:25, 20:36, 21:5, 22:17, 28:8)

9. “The youth are the future of the church.”

The redeemed know that the youth are the church NOW. Young people were active participants in the first church. One of the greatest examples is that of Timothy. The Apostle Paul equipped Timothy and poured into him. (1 & 2 Timothy)

10. “In the good ole days…”

The redeemed are not blinded by nostalgia. The first church recognized that the old ways were not always compatible with the new things God was doing through Jesus Christ. They weren’t always perfect but once they recognized what God was doing they would immediately jump on board. (Acts 11:1-18)

As the redeemed, we are a new people, a new creation. Nostalgia is a filter we use to remove the rough edges of things we remember from our past. I personally love getting nostalgic about my childhood and my past, but I don’t discount the present because of it. Longing for “the good ole days” diminishes the joy of the present and the hope God has in store for the future. As redeemed people, we must stay present in our actions and look forward to the new things God will do and bring every day.

This Sunday, April 25th, we will continue this message and share how we are redeemed people freed from past to live in the new creation! Join us at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


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