God’s Perspective

I discovered something that both Democrats and Republican can agree upon. It is that no matter what the issue is, it is always the other sides fault! As we approach another election year in 2022 we can be sure to see the finger-pointing and blame-shifting increase. Why are we so quick to point the finger at one another? 

The reason we point the finger is that we are self-preservationists. Finger-pointing is a classic way by where people who are doing well (or desire to do well) shift unwanted blame or criticism to ensure their own success. The other day I observed from my office a very heated argument between two 4-years-olds in the playground outside my window. They were each defending themselves while their teacher stood in judgment.

It seems that these two had been playing when another 4-year-old was injured and at the moment was crying on the ground (don’t worry she is fine now). Here is how the argument carried on (the names have been changed to protect the innocent):

Teacher: Why is Sally crying?

Jack: We were playing Vampirina when Jill scared me and I ran into Sally. 

Jill: Nuh-uh. Jack wasn’t scared. He just ran away cause he didn’t want to play with me anymore.

Jack: No you scared me!



(repeat this a dozen times)

Teacher: It doesn’t matter why you ran away Jack. You need to apologize to Sally. 

Jack: But Jill scared me! 

Jill: You scared me yesterday!

Both Jack and Jill refused to accept responsibility. Sally was lying on the floor hurt by the combination of their actions, but rather than apologizing they chose to point the finger. Sure we could decide that Jack is at fault because he was the one who ran into Sally. Justice would be served if we found the true culprit, right? But how does that help Sally? She is still lying on the floor crying.

A worldly view of justice is often associated with the determination of what is right and then the assignment of merited rewards or punishments. This view, although not entirely incorrect, is incomplete. God’s justice goes beyond reward for those who do right and punishment for those who do wrong. God’s justice is about making ALL things right. In a reading from Luke 13:10-17, Jesus is confronted by people who want justice for the law of sabbath being broken. Instead, Jesus rebukes them as hypocrites for perverting justice because they too are not innocent from breaking the same law. From their perspective justice would be punishment for breaking the law, but from Jesus’ perspective justice is making all things that are wrong right again.

Join us this Sunday (November 14th) for worship at 8:30 AM & 10:45 as we learn to gain God’s perspective and vision for our lives and how we should live.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


Milestones of Success


Do Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain