Ever-asking Gratitude!


In one of my favorite comic strips by Charles Shulz, the character Charlie Brown is approached by his sister, Sally, to help her with homework. She tells him that he will have her “everlasting gratitude” to which he responds by asking her if she knows what that means. Sally responds to say, “til I ask you again!” Well, Sally is obviously wrong but her response is unfortunately how many of us display our gratitude to God. An everlasting gratitude is a gratitude that never ends, but I believe many of us actually have an “ever-asking gratitude.” We are grateful to God when we get what we ask for but that gratitude fades when we don’t.

In First & Second Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church in Thessalonica. This church was centered in community that did not support the message of any king other than Caesar. This caused conflict with their neighbors resulting in rioting and accusations before the city officials. Ironically, the Apostle Paul proclaims in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that they should “give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ.” Imagine how hard it must have been for the followers of Christ in Thessalonica to hear from Paul that they should be thankful even in that situation. Well we don’t really have to imagine too hard. We have already witnessed what can happen when a community disputes over who it's leader should be.

No matter who you wanted in the White House, we are all hurting right now over the division it has caused. However even in this difficult time we are also called to give thanks to God in every situation. Why? Well, according to the context Paul lays out in the 2 letters we are not waiting or relying on an earthly leader; instead we are awaiting a royal coming. We are to be thankful and prepare the world for a royal return. Paul says that we should avoid every kind of evil (v22), rejoice (v16), and pray continually (v.17). As Christians we are to shine light into a dark world. So let us replace our “ever-asking” gratitude with an everlasting one! Let us show the world the joy we have for a God that is bigger and better than our mess!

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


Oaks of Righteousness


An Epiphany