All Saints

The Astros being back in the World Series has been an exciting experience for me so far. I have been a fan of the Astros for way longer that I can remember. Do you need proof? Well here is a photo of me at the age of 3, circa 1983. My memories of being an Astros fan go back to the many many summers, weekends, and vacations I would spend with my grandparents, Bill and Bobby Knox. They were easily the biggest Astros fans I have ever met. I can close my eyes to this day and still hear the foggy buzzing of the AM radio and Milo Hamilton’s voice (Astro’s Broadcaster 1987-2012) calling the game. My grandparents earnestly listened to, watched and followed the Astros better than anyone I knew. My grandmother could even tell you the name of each and everyone of the players in almost any given year. My grandparents have been gone for many years now, but their presence with me is not. They have left their imprint on my life and on the lives of my siblings, cousins, and family. They had a huge part in making me who I am today.

On Sunday, November 7th, United Methodist Churches all over the world will be remember the lives of loved one who have passed away recently. We celebrate this day as All Saints Sunday. All Saints (November 1 or the first Sunday in November) is a day of remembrance for the saints, with the New Testament meaning of all Christian people of every time and place. We celebrate the communion of saints as we remember the dead, both of the Church universal and of our local congregations. For this reason, the names of persons in the congregation who have died during the past year will be solemnly read as a Response to the Word.

Lake Cities UMC will be joining in the celebration of saints on Sunday, November 7th 2021, where we are inviting you to join us as well. If you have a loved one you would like remembered with us, I invite you to send Suzie Miller a photo of that person or person(s) along with their complete name to my email at or you can visit the church office.

I am so very blessed by the saints in my life and their witnesses that live on. May you continue to be blessed by yours both today and forever.

In God’s grip,

Rev. Chuck Church


Do Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain


Walk with Purpose