Mark 9:14-29

In this week’s reading of the Gospel of Mark, Mark 9:14-29 highlights themes of faith, the power of Jesus, and the importance of prayer. In this passage, Jesus heals a boy possessed by an impure spirit. Here are the key points of this passage:

  1. The Scene: Jesus, Peter, James, and John return to the other disciples and find them surrounded by a large crowd and arguing with the teachers of the law.

  2. The Boy's Condition: A man from the crowd explains that he brought his son, who is possessed by a spirit that makes him unable to speak and causes seizures.

  3. The Disciples' Failure: The father reports that the disciples were unable to drive out the spirit.

  4. Jesus' Response: Jesus expresses frustration at the lack of faith, saying, "You unbelieving generation, how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?" He then asks for the boy to be brought to him.

  5. The Boy's Seizure: When the boy is brought to Jesus, the spirit throws him into a convulsion.

  6. The Father's Plea: The father asks Jesus to help if he can, and Jesus replies that everything is possible for one who believes. The father responds, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

  7. The Healing: Jesus rebukes the impure spirit, commands it to come out and never enter the boy again. The spirit shrieks and throws the boy into a violent convulsion before leaving him, and the boy appears lifeless. Jesus takes his hand, helps him to his feet, and he stands up.

  8. Private Instruction: Later, the disciples ask Jesus privately why they couldn't drive out the spirit. Jesus explains, "This kind can come out only by prayer."

Many scholars, myself included, believe that this boy was burdened with epilepsy. Please note that during the time of Jesus and his disciples most medical problems were associated with unclean spirits. This however should not detract from the message Jesus teaches his disciples that day. In the midst of struggles, especially ones that we have no control over, Jesus calls us to turn our attention to God through prayer.

Epilepsy is a condition that medical science to this day still cannot cure. It can be treated to lessen the severity and even the number of occurences, but still there is no cure. In a 2016 study on Mindfulness in Eplipsy, it was determined that, in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, “mindfulness therapy was associated with greater benefits than [social support] alone in quality of life, mood, seizure frequency, and verbal memory.” For people of faith, mindfulness and prayer are interchangeable. Prayer can truly be an answer to the difficulties of epilepsy.

As I consider this week’s scripture, I am reminded how I am often looking for direction to a problem that has no ideal solution. In those moment’s, Jesus tells me to have faith and put my trust in God. There may be no “good” solution to my problem, but God does promise comfort to my soul.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church

If you are reading the Gospel of Mark with Pastor Chuck this year, below is a short and simple guide to doing so for this week:

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your words expose my innermost thoughts and desires. I am an open book before you when I read your book. May your truths work as I read of your holiness, truth, and love. May the power of your word be known in my life so that I might genuinely have the abundant life you came to give.  Amen.

Read: Mark 9:14-29

Questions to guide your thinking:

  1. How do I respond to situations that test my faith?

    • Reflect on your reactions in moments of doubt or when faced with challenges that seem insurmountable.

  2. What areas of my life reflect the father's plea, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief"?

    • Consider where you struggle with faith and how you seek support and growth in those areas.

  3. How do I handle failure, especially in spiritual or faith-related endeavors?

    • Think about your reactions to failure, as the disciples experienced when they couldn't heal the boy, and how you learn and grow from such experiences.

  4. What role does prayer play in my life, especially in difficult situations?

    • Reflect on the importance of prayer in your life and how often you turn to it in times of need, as Jesus emphasized its necessity.

  5. In what ways do I support and uplift those around me who are struggling with their faith or facing difficult situations?

    • Consider how you can be a source of encouragement and support for others, much like Jesus was for the boy's father and the disciples.


Mark 9:30-50


Mark 9:1-13