News and Opportunities
Emotions Sermon Series
Emotions are a gift from God, but they can sometimes feel overwhelming or confusing. They color our lives, shaping how we experience the world and interact with others. In this four-week series, we will explore four key emotions — joy, anxiety, pride, and anger — through the lens of Scripture. By examining biblical examples and teachings, we will discover how to navigate these emotions in ways that honor God and lead us toward spiritual growth.
Join us as we learn to embrace the emotions God has given us, allowing Him to transform our hearts and guide us toward wholeness and peace.
Week 1 - What’s Better than Being Happy?
Week 2 - The Feeling that Holds Us Back
Week 3 - The Feeling that Moves Us Forward
Week 4 - The Logic of Anger
Chick Chat
Any & ALL ladies are invited to enjoy fellowship and dinner together with the United Women in Faith for Chick Chat on Tuesday at Angelina’s Mexican Restaurant located off Turbeville Rd in Hickory Creek. Our Chick Chat ladies meet once a month on the 3rd Tuesday. This is a great way to get to know one another.
Laity Covenant Day
Where: Virtual on Zoom
What: A half-day experience of worship and learning for all laity of the Horizon Texas Conference
This event will feature Ms. Hesha Abrams, Esq., an internationally acclaimed mediator, negotiator and speaker, and author of "Holding the Calm: The Secret to Resolving Conflict and Defusing Tension." Her work offers profound insights and practical tools for cultivating inner peace and resilience, even amidst life's most turbulent storms.
United Women in Faith Monthly Meeting
Our UWF have our monthly meeting on Saturday, 25th at 10am in the Fellowship Hall.
District Laity Training Event
Join us for the Metro North District Laity Training day and prepare yourself for leadership in 2025. The first session will have break-outs for specific committee training and the second session will have break-outs with workshops on additional helpful topics.
Metro North District Laity Training
Sunday, February 2, 2025
2:00 – 4:45pm
First UMC Plano
3160 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano
Coffee with the Pastor
Join Pastor Chuck Church for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall beginning on Sunday January 12th at 9:30 AM. This is a gathering for all who would like to explore membership at Lake Cities United Methodist Church. Here are the topics of conversation for the three week gathering:
What does is mean to be a member of Lake Cities United Methodist Church?
What does it mean to be United Methodist?
Faith questions you’ve always wanted to ask?
One Service, One Potluck, One Church
Join us for one worship service and one potluck as we gather as one church for the Sunday after Christmas. This service will include Christmas Carols and a special Christmas message. Bring you favorite dish to share. Worship is at 10:45 AM and the potluck will follow at approximately 11:45 AM.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 11 PM Traditional
Our special Christmas Vigil is a Service of Lessons and Carols. We’ll share carols, candlelight, communion, and welcome the Christ Child with a chorus of Silent Night.
Rev Chuck Church shares the message, Joy, from our Come, Let Us Adore Him Advent Worship Series
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Family Christmas Program & Communion
Lake Cities United Methodist Church invites you to a Special Christmas Eve worship service with a Family Christmas Program, candlelight, and communion.
Rev Chuck Church shares the message, Joy, from our Come, Let Us Adore Him Advent Worship Series.
Breakfast with Santa
SANTA is coming to Lake Cities UMC on Sunday, December 22nd from 8:30 - 10:30 AM! Grab the kids, or grandkids, and share Breakfast with Santa. All are invited to join us for this special morning of Breakfast and Pictures with Santa! This is a free event, but we are asking you to RSVP with us so that we can make sure we have enough breakfast.
Christmas Cantata: The Christmas Story
Come listen to the Lake Cities UMC Choir perform The Christmas Story. The story of Christmas is filled with glorious images of promise, joy, love, faith, worship, and a Baby, God’s great gift of salvation. For their imagining of The Christmas Story, Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi have selected a blend of thirteen familiar and lesser-known carols that are a perfect match for Ken Bible’s refreshing perspective on the timeless tale. Two narrators share the biblically-based story that is sensitively underscored by piano accompaniment. We invite you to join us in this magical retelling of The Christmas Story.
United Women in Faith Monthly Meeting - Christmas Party
Our UWF December meeting is our annual Christmas party to distribute to missions all we earned through the year. Party on Saturday, Dec 7th, at Charlotte Boliver's home.
Advent Study - On the Way to Bethlehem
The journey to Christmas begins in Rome.
On the Way to Bethlehem follows the long journey to Christmas. The story begins in Rome with a decree issued from the seat of worldly power for a census, setting into motion events leading to the birth of the Savior of the world in a town that represents the very opposite of worldly power, Bethlehem.
Author Rob Fuquay provides insight into the geographical and historical significance of Rome, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem, along with the important characters through whom the Christmas drama unfolds. You will be drawn into those places in a way that helps you experience the spiritual truths each location holds. The reflection we give in these places prepares the heart and soul to experience wonder, awe, mystery, and joy.
Chapters include:
Rome – A Place of Longing
Jerusalem – A Place of Waiting
Nazareth – A Place of Simplicity
Bethlehem – A Place of Humility
Sundays at 9:45 am in Room 101 of the Family Life Center. Components of this study will use the book in a small group study and video on DVD.
Advent Worship Series- Come, Let Us Adore Him
The Season of Advent is one of the highlights of the Christian Year. With this season, we launch another cycle of living into the story of Jesus and the church that emerges—of which we are a part. We sometimes think we need to find a new way of telling this story and do something fresh and unique. There is certainly space for that, but tradition and remembering the songs and stories from our beginnings can be a powerful invitation to grow as disciples as we grow closer to Christ. So, we invite your church community to consider the Preparations and the Passion of Advent so that we might embrace the Presence and Promise of the Christ who comes. And through it all, we will gather to worship. So, come, let us adore him.
12/1 Week 1 – Preparations
12/8 Week 2 – Passion
12/15 Week 3 – Christmas Cantata: The Christmas Story
12/22 Week 4 – Promise
12/24 Christmas Eve - Joy
12/29 Week 5 - Home
United Women in Faith Monthly Meeting
Our UWF have our monthly meeting on Saturday, 23rd at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. This is our Pledge Service Month. Refreshments by Susan Anderson & Blanche Farnam with Blanche having the devotional.
Chick Chat
Any & ALL ladies are invited to enjoy fellowship and dinner together with the United Women in Faith for Chick Chat on Tuesday at Angelina’s Mexican Restaurant located off Turbeville Rd in Hickory Creek. Our Chick Chat ladies meet once a month on the 3rd Tuesday. This is a great way to get to know one another.
2024 Poinsettias Order
It’s that time of year! Order your poinsettias to fill the sanctuary during the Advent season. Please complete the form below indicating how many plants you are purchasing and how each plant is to be designated. Make your check payable to LCUMC or online through our payment system. The cost for each poinsettia is $15. Orders need to be placed and paid for no later than December 11. Plants will be available for you to take home after the Christmas Eve Services.
All Saints Sunday
On Sunday, November 3, 2023, we will be honoring those who have passed away since our last All Saints Sunday on November 5, 2023. If you would like to honor someone in addition to the church members that we have record of, please submit the individual's name, a photo, and the date of their passing no later than Thursday, October 31st. You may email the information to or drop it by the office.
United Women in Faith Monthly Meeting
Our UWF monthly meeting is Saturday, October 26th, we meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10 am. We need all ladies to attend as we are planning our Craft Fair Event which includes selling Soups & Pecans!!
Refreshments by Barbara Coy & Stephanie Lind with Barbara having the devotional.
All ladies are invited.
Children’s Sabbath and Footprints Preschool Sunday
Join us on Sunday October 20th at the 10:45 AM worship service as we celebrate the ministry of our Footprints Preschool and our other Children’s Ministries of Lake Cities United Methodist Church. Children's Sabbath is a day set aside to celebrate children as active participants in the life of the church. Children serve as worship leaders throughout the service, including preaching. It is an ecumenically celebrated weekend committed to educating the congregation about the state of today’s children and families in America. Children provide leadership through music and reading of scripture.
Footprints Preschool Sunday is a Sunday where you will have the opportunity to meet the director, staff, teachers, parents, and kids of our Footprints Preschool.
United Women in Faith Pecan Sale
UWF pecans have arrived! They will be selling after each service starting October 20th and at the Craft Fair on Nov 9th. Price remains the same, $13 per lb bag or 2 bags for $25.
Sacred Votes
As we approach this critical election season, the importance of civic and voter engagement cannot be overstated. The choices we make at the polls have the power to shape our communities, influence justice, and transform society.
As people of faith, our responsibility to participate in the democratic process is deeply intertwined with our call to love our neighbors and seek the common good. Join us at Lake Cities United Methodist Church as we discuss not only how voting is our civic duty but also our spiritual duty as we demonstrate our love for neighbor.
Week 1 (October 6th) - "A Faithful Witness: Voting as an Act of Discipleship"
Week 2 (October 13th) - "Render to Caesar: Navigating the Tensions of Faith and Politics"
Week 3 (October 27th) - “Lift Every Voice: The Power of Collective Action in Voting"
Week 4 (November 3rd) - "Choose This Day: The Spiritual Significance of Voting"
Blessing of the Animals
Many people bring their pets to the church to be blessed on St. Francis’ feast day because of his love for animals as expressed in his Canticle of Creatures. On Friday, October 4th at 6:30 PM, Lake Cities will be celebrating a “Blessing of the Pets” in the grassy area in front of the church. There will be a very brief liturgy, then we will line up to have our pets blessed and to thank God for the good gift of these animals. This will be great fun for all ages, so plan now to bring your animal!
Please be sure pets are on a leash, in a cage or in an aquarium.
If you are unable to attend, then you can pray for and bless your pets and animals at home too. A verbal blessing and a can be offered in your backyard, garden or anywhere inside your home.
The following Pet Blessing can be used:
Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures.
You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air, and animals on the land.
You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters.
We ask you to bless this pet.
By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan.
May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.
Help with Mission Turkey
Each year, our church helps provide food for Thanksgiving dinners to less fortunate families in our community. LCUMC will be providing funds for gift cards for refrigerated items -- milk, butter, and eggs. If you choose to help with this ministry, simply place your monetary donation in the offering plate or online with "Mission Turkey" indicated on the check/envelope/comments.
Footprints Preschool No Sale Fundraiser
Support the Lake Cites UMC Footprints Preschool with our “No Sale” fundraiser taking place now until Friday, November 8th.
Mission Turkey & Operation Christmas Registration
Registration for Mission Turkey and Operation Christmas are now live!
You can apply by using the QR code, visiting or using this link
A separate application is required for each child.
General requirements and programs rules are listed on the flyer. More details are listed on the application. Please have your verifications ready to upload when you apply. They are required before you can submit the application.
You may need to log into (or create) a google account in order to access the application.
UWF Socktober
Did you know the #1 most-needed but least-donated item for homeless shelters is socks? Our Women in Faith is participating in Socktober this month. They will collect new, unused socks to donate to Cumberland Children’s Home and Monisgnor King Outreach Center. To participate, please drop off socks in the boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary, from October 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024. For any questions, please reach out to Laura Fernberg,, 972-672-7368.
5th Sunday Potluck
Join us for a 5th Sunday potluck on Sunday, September 29th.
Bring your favorite food (main dish, side, salad, or dessert - if we all bring the same thing, it was meant to be!)
This month’s potluck will be sponsored by our United Women of Faith group of Lake Cities.
United Women in Faith Sunday
Sunday, September 29th, in both of our worship services we will celebrate the longstanding service of our own vibrant chapter of United Women in Faith (Formerly known as United Methodist Women), our very own Soohyun Suh who will be speaking in both services.
One of the most faithful and longstanding ministries of our church is our United Women in Faith (UWF) community. Join us as they tell us more about this vibrant multigenerational group, our UWF gatherings and programs, how we serve our missions, our upcoming projects, and much more.
United Women in Faith Monthly Meeting
Our UWF monthly meeting is Saturday, 28th at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Program will be Lake Cities Hope, Kristy Bleau speaking. Refreshments by Susan Anderson & Blanche Farnam and devotional by Blanche.
All ladies are invited.